De Gabriel Mascaro
Ficção | 2015 | Longa-metragem | Brasil, Uruguai, Holanda
Nos bastidores das Vaquejadas, Iremar prepara os bois antes de soltá-los na arena. Levando a vida na estrada, o caminhão que transporta os bois para o evento é também a casa improvisada de Iremar e seus colegas de trabalho: Zé, seu parceiro de curral, e Galega - dançarina, motorista do caminhão e mãe da audaciosa Cacá. Juntos, eles formam uma família improvisada e unida.
O cotidiano é intenso e visceral, mas algo inspira novas ambições em Iremar: a recente industrialização e o polo de confecção de roupas na região do semi-árido nordestino. Deitado em sua rede na traseira do caminhão, sua cabeça divaga em sonhos de lantejoulas, tecidos requintados e croquis. O vaqueiro esboça novos desejos.
By Gabriel Mascaro
Fiction I 2015 I Feature Film I Brazil, Uruguay, Netherlands
Iremar works at the Vaquejadas, a traditional rodeo in the north east of Brazil where two men on horseback try bring down a bull by grabbing its tail. It’s dusty and back-breaking work, but Iremar is a natural ‘Vaqueiro’ feeding, prepping and taking care of the bulls.
Home is the truck used to transport the animals from show to show which he shares with his co-workers; Galega, an exotic dancer, truck driver and mother to her spirited and cheeky daughter Cacá, and Zé, his rotund compadre in the bull pen. Together they form a makeshift but close-knit family.
But Brazil and the Northeast are changing and the region's booming clothing industry has stirred new ambitions in Iremar. Swinging from his hammock in the back of the truck, his head is filled with dreams of pattern cutting, sequins and exquisite fabrics as he mentally assembles his latest sexy fashion designs…
*Vaquejada is a traditional sport from the rural North East of Brazil. It involves two cowboys pulling down Bull’s by their tails in a demarcated area along a wide sandy track. The cowboys gain points for the skill by which they pull down the bulls. The sport is the second highest grossing, after football, in Brazil.